Payday Pug would help you find innumerable lenders based all over the country. You would receive multiple quotes of unsecured short term loans and you can choose the most reasonable one. You may prioritize the loan amount, the repayment term or the rate of interest. Ideally, you should prioritize all these three essentials and you must also ensure the terms are favorable. When you repay payday loans, you may or may not opt for another. This depends on your needs at the time. You may also choose to apply for a payday loan again when you are in need of some cash.
Subsequent payday loans can be applied through Payday Pug or you may contact a lender that you have already dealt with. Regardless of how you choose to go about it, you should always try and negotiate with the lender to get a better rate of interest. It will augur well for you if you apply through Payday Pug, the same way you did for the first one. This is simply because you would get multiple quotes and you would have a fair idea of the prevailing rates of interest and the standard terms. Then you can discuss your needs with a lender you have dealt with in the past to get the best rate of interest.
A lender will never negotiate the rate of interest if it has not dealt with you in the past. Just as borrowers may want to deal with a preferred lender, the lenders too would want to do business with borrowers that repay on time. Having proven your commitment to repay and having repaid the entire loan amount with interest on time, you have the leverage to ask for a better rate. It should not be just a better rate than the one you had been offered the last time. It should be better than the least rate you receive at the time of applying for subsequent payday loans.