You may repay payday loans on time. Despite your best intentions, you may fail to pay one installment. You can try and make up for it as soon as you can. You may try to arrange for some funds or you can adopt some austere measures to have the spare cash to pay the installment. If you succeed at this, you can breathe a sigh of relief and make sure you pay the next installment on time. At any specific stage of your repayment term, you might be in a situation wherein repaying payday loans can be a daunting task. You may be prompted to take an add-on loan or another type of unsecured short term loans by some lenders. This is not a wise move.
When you apply for payday loans through Payday Pug, you will have access to various lenders. You can always try and get a second payday loan and it is quite possible some lenders will offer you a rate of interest that is lower than the one you are dealing with right now. This may seem strange but rates of interest fluctuate all the time. Signing up for payday loans, when you have one unpaid, at a higher rate of interest is out of the question. You might consider it even if the interest rate is lower. However, this too is a risky proposition.
The reason you failed to pay an installment or more than one is perhaps lack of planning, unforeseen expenses or a different financial problem than the one which had compelled you to sign up for the present loan in the first place. Signing up for an add-on loan or having multiple loans will not address the root cause of your financial problem. Even if you repay the original loan with the new one, you would still have a payday loan to repay. This repayment can also go awry unless you address the actual cause of the failure to repay the original one.